Sunday, July 11, 2010

Yo nade

I swam today. Yes, I´m very proud of Mr. Hand for stepping it up and taking advantage of the lap pools that Lima has to offer. :) My arm is doing better overall. Today I was able to touch my thumb to the center of my pinky (something that I was struggling with yesterday) and I can kind-of rotate my wrist now. I feel like I do my arm exercises all the time...anything to make physical therapy easier. I bend my limbs and fingers every which way and I´ve also bought one of those squeezy balls.

Even with what I´ve accomplished though, my physical therapy sessions are technically halfway up, I have only five more sessions to go. It worries me that my arm is still really hard, that I can only bend my thumb, wrist, and elbow part of the way, that my skin is constantly sensitive and in pain, and that I am still really hairy. I´m scared that I won´t be able to go back up to site next week. I´m scared of what the doctor might say--that I would be better off returning to the US to get my physical therapy done for two months as he had originally suggested. (To stay in the Peace Corps, two months in the US is simply not an option. I would have to go home then permanently.) I´m scared of therapy tomorrow, too, it is so painful and torturous still. I think, overall, I´m just a big scaredy cat this week.

I want to complete my Peace Corps service, but I think that three months in a cast was just too long and the damage is extensive. So I´m trying not to think about it too much, but just go with the flow and stay really positive. In the meantime, I´m treating my stay in Lima like vacation. I went to the mall today (which doesn´t exist in my site, of course), ate a waffle wrapped hot dog (delicious!), and have been keeping up on my E-News (um, Lindsay Lohan, what were you thinking?!).

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