Friday, August 28, 2009
Fue un buen dia...
Then I went to my step aerobics class. While I was sweating to the oldies, I looked out the window and saw a donkey just moseying on by with a National Geographic looking Peruvian lady by its side. Only in Peru, right?
Then after dinner, my host mother treated me to pineapple pie. We talked and ate.
It was a good day.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Estoy bien...No se preocupe
- Katie: [in typical broken Spanish] Hola. Uh...Como estas? Este clase...uh...cuanto cuesta?
- Peruvian: Can you speak English?
- Katie: Oh my gaw, yeah, can you?
- Peruvian: Yeah, it's so weird to find someone who speaks English here.
- Katie: I KNOW!!!
Anyways, it turns out that he was born in Lima, but lived in Miami for two years. He has now moved to Cajabamba because sierra life is just much more peaceful. I went to his class today and it felt just like home (minus the Latin dance moves that he threw in). Yep, I failed miserably when it comes to moving my hips. I'm Asian...I don't play like that. Anyways, I plan on going back to the class everyday since it costs 1.5 soles for each class (ie $.50). :)
Also, I found a Spanish tutor today who will take me on for three days a week. Hopefully, I'll finally be able to communicate. I also start work pretty soon. I met with the director of a program today and she wants to see a work plan by tomorrow. So I better get working on that. Hope you all are doing well and sorry for the minor breakdown the other day. :)
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Estoy escondiendo
That's bad...I know! Hopefully, one day I'll look back at this and laugh. We are now without friends and the other volunteers, my host family and I don't have much to say to each other (I can't understand them and they can't understand me...It's like a whole new dialect here and I'm so frustrated with the Spanish all over again), people in this small town all know one another so they are staring at me like I'm weird, and I feel like I constantly have to make a good first impression since I'll be here for, like, ever.
On top of that, my new host mother, a woman who is so unbelievably good to me and who has hugged me 15 times today (probably more to compensate for my lack of Spanish skills) asked me to talk to this high school drop-out (graduate? See above for blurb being Spanish skill-less) to give her advice about staying (advancing?) in school. Ugh...I have no idea what to say right now that would even translate well. And who am I to be like, "School is cool?"
And then my host dad (who is a really kind feller and tells me all the time that the house is now my home, too) wants me to start working right away. This is probably because I told him (when I first visited two weeks ago) about how I wanted to work and learn right away blah blah blah. Quite frankly, don't we all just say stuff like that sometimes because you thought that day would never come? But, holy crap, that day is here and people actually expect me to do something in this town. So now I start teaching on Thursday with my crap Spanish and I'm teaching because the community has identified that as a need from the Peace Corps volunteer. And then they somehow found out about the dual degree thing and some people has started calling me "Profesora." WTH. It is my first official day here!!
So for these reasons, I'm hiding in my bedroom and I have no intention of coming out until I absolutely 100% need to go pee tomorrow. Yes, yes, I'm lucky to be in the Peace Corps blah blah blah and I truly couldn't stop smiling on the bus ride up, but it's a lot to take in, ok? I'm just a little bit (a lot bit) overwhelmed right now and could use a little bit of everyone's good juju.
P.S. Oh yeah, hope you guys are doing well in the states. Please be sure to update!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Mas fotografias...

The final two is with my "old" host family that I am leaving behind-- my parents and my sister. It has been an incredible host family experience. I can't say enough good things about them. My family made me their United States daughter and told me that I should never hesitate to come "home" whenever I'm in Lima. They even invited me back for my birthday and Christmas. (I have yet to figure out how to break the news to my new host family that I will be spending Christmas with my old family instead.)
My host mom came to my graduation even though she wasn't feeling well and just went to the emergency room two days ago and my host dad even shed a few tears when I left. (This is big news because Peruvian men aren't supposed to cry.) It's amazing how much we bonded in such a short amount of time. I will definitely miss my Peruvian Yanacoto family!

Habia una graduacion...y horita, somos verdaderos voluntarios!

We then all stayed the night in Lima on Friday to celebrate. Currently, I'm in capital city Cajamarca again and will leave for my actual site probably tomorrow. It's weird to be apart from the other volunteers. We have been together everyday for the last 2 1/2 months. In that time, I have made some amazing friendships. We experienced a lot together...learning to speak Spanish together, adjusts to Peru together, and they were definitely my comfort whenever I felt homesick or sad.
I'm sad that my friends will not be there anymore, but I'm excited to embark on my Peace Corps journey by myself. I'll be curious to see how I change in these next two years. Even only after 2 months, I can't imagine not being a better person after this. Thank you so much for all your support and encouraging messages. It means the world, er I mean, Peru.

Monday, August 17, 2009
Comida de los Estados Unidos!
Oh crap! Time´s up...
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Libros Para Los Ninos

Depending on the needs of the community, it would be great if I could do something like this in my future site and maybe on a grander scale. My ultimate goal would be to have a children's library--like a safe haven for children to go to. I have no idea how to even begin such a project though so we'll see what happens in the next two years.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Mi vida antes Cuerpo de Paz

In two months time, I´ve given up on regular showers, make'up, shaving, jewelry, regular washing of clothes...overall personal hygiene. But look what I stumbled across from my sister´s wedding. What a hottie I was! (I´m to the left.)
Mi nueva familia anfitriona

Still, I will really miss the old family. In truth, if I had a choice, I probably wouldn´t leave. Old host dad made a really touching speech that I will always be his daughter here in Peru and Yanacoto will always be my home. :, ( ¡Que triste!
Anyways, I also posted a pic of the new room below. This is the before-photo and I will post the after-photo after I get done with the makeover.

Soy una estrella!
Anyways, I did have to give a speech later on at a townhall front of the general public, while the mayor was present, and with the local television station there. Yep, that´s right...I was on Peruvian TV giving my speech in my broken Spanish! Later my new host family and I watched it on TV and we had a good laugh about it, because apparently, I talk with my hands a lot.
I posted some pics of Cajabamba below. It´s a really interesting place. It´s a mixture of the Peruvian countryside and the beginning of a ¨city.¨ Cajabamba is a town of 8000 people, yet, we have the woods, a coliseum, a market, a jail, bulls just hanging out in someone´s backyard...All in one place.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
En un carro con el Alcalde...
But plans have changed.
The mayor of Cajabamba is now sending a private car for us. WTF, right? There´s also talk that we´ll have to give a speech to the town when we get there. I know that I was the Secretary of the Spanish Honor Society in high school (and all we did was sell burritos), but uh really, I´ve only had, like, 2 months of Spanish. ¿Como se dice, ¨overwhelming?¨
It´s times like this that I really can´t describe my life here...
Estoy seguro en Cajamarca!
Already I have some ideas of how I want to live my life here. It´s funny, in the states, you simply get a job. But, here, you have to find projects and work that will define your life for the next two years. It´s a lot of pressure, because there´s a lot that I want to get out of this experience. If yáll have any ideas, let me know!
But in the meantime, thanks for all your good wishes. I have received so many e'mails that have uplifted me on my days of homesickness. :) It really helps a lot. And, Amy, I do take time to read your comments as well. Thanks, guys! I wish you all the best in the states.