We, unfortunately, do not get to pick our assignments or where we'll be living so the suspense of not knowing your life for the next two years has been horrible! Can you imagine entering into a program overseas where you had no idea what you would be doing and where you would be going for the next two years!? And on top of that, people looked at you like you were insane for doing such a thing! They could have been recruiting me for Operation Human Shield in the Peruvian army and I wouldn't have known!

But all's well ends well. Since we are "overseas," our site locations were floated onto a paper boat and it was our job to find ours and fish it out. I tried to upoload the pictures in chronological order. First, we are waiting in anticipation to fish out our boats.
Then I fished out my blue boat from the sea and discovered that I am going to the sierra, Cajabamba, which is a city of about 8000 people. Cajabamba is close to the places that I traveled to last week so it'll be a lot of sun, but with more traditional Peruvian folks. I'll be traveling there the week after next week just for a week-long visit. Afterwards, I'll move there permanently in late August.
Awk! I still can't believe that this is my life! I hope you all are doing well.

Aw! This probably was a big emotional moment that was hard to capture on film and in a blog post! Congratulations - what does it mean that you're going to Cajabamba? What does the name of the town mean? I guess you'll learn more about what you're doing in the times ahead?
ReplyDeleteI think the paper boat selection is pretty cute. It's nice that someone had the creativity to put boats together rather than a crumpled up piece of paper.
Some family news - your grandfather, while he was in Hong Kong, had a stroke. And as a result, their return to the U.S. was a bit delayed. Anyway, they're back now, and I haven't seen your grandfather, but according to Margaret, he's not doing so great. I think he's got paralysis on one side of his body, but Margaret was pretty optimistic that he will recover. His 81st birthday was last week, and Margaret was tentative about planning something for him because he's been kinda depressed. Anyway, we'll see them this upcoming weekend, when we celebrate with dim sum on Saturday.
Your little cousin Colton turned 4 recently. There was a party in Chuck E Cheese. Unfortunately, I didn't make it because it was right after a swim meet, and I was really tired.
I saw your father at the Organization of Chinese American Luau. He and I shared some moments of quiet awkwardness. I told him you sounded like you were doing well. He said, "Well, I can't help but worry - you're in another part of the world." I guess he can't help himself."
That's all for now. I'm looking forward to more of your posts!!
Your sister