Sorry, I haven´t written in so long. My family/friends of a family´s family friends have been visiting so we´ve been making Machu Picchu and Lima our stomping ground. Seven people have left and my dad remains so we´re headed off to Arequipa tomorrow.
In the meantime, let me show y´all a picture of me in Machu Picchu and how I can still be ¨accidentally hot.¨ That´s right, I said that and I should title this blog, ¨Caliente por accidente,¨ because while in Cusco, some lady thought that I was my dad´s ¨esposa¨ (ie wife). EWWWWWWWWWWWWW..... x 100. I was so offended! And then everybody in my group started discussing the changes to my physical appearance during the year that I´ve been in Peru. In short, I suffer from sun damage (Hello! I do live in the Peruvian sierra!), I´ve aged from it, and that I´ve become more Peruvian. (I don´t know if they mean that as a good thing when taken everything into context.) So, whatever, this is just a picture to show everyone that this girl still got it. Yep, that´s right...bien caliente.
Um...I´ll post more in a week after my dad leaves.
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