I want to share two cute photos. The first was taken before I left. If I were to title it, it would say, ¨Pigging out...as usual.¨ Yep, that about summed up my life in the states; I didn´t even have time to look at the camera. (Doesn´t my cousin Jim Jim look so cute!?)
The second is a photo that was taken last month when the US doctors were in my site for their medical mission. Even though it was a little delusional of me to be dressed in scrubs (like a real doctor!)...and only answer to ¨Dr. Yang¨...and pretend-listen to patients´ hearts with a stethescope (not my idea--it was the blond´s), I´m not going to lie, it was a lot of fun. And PS, don´t I look like a real doctor!?
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