Hi, everyone. My father and I are in Arequipa and, for me, it´s good to be back. It was the last place that I visited before my accident so this time, I´m going to be really careful when I return. I come sharing some of my favorite photos...And, yep, they´re all of me!
It´s been really fun being a tourist in Peru! I´ve eaten at restaurants and gotten to do things that I have never done before. Within the last week, I´ve peed in more toilet-seated toilets than I have in the last year, eaten meals that cost over USD $1, and I´ve shopped so much...Awesome! It makes me have a whole new appreciation for this country that I´m actually thinking about applying to become a national. It wasn´t the luxury toilets that swayed me (although it did help), more and more, I´ve grown to love a lot of things about this country. And by being a national, I can come back whenever I want and visit Machu Picchu at a discount price...Sweet!
But some old habits are hard to break. Campo life has made me become, well, campo. Case in point, we stayed at a place in Cusco that offered a breakfast buffet. Because free meals are hard to come by, I took full advantage of the all you can eat watermelon (expensive in my site) until one of the employees actually came up to me and told me to save some for the other guests. I was so embarrassed. :( (But what she didn´t know was that once she left, I made a beeline for more...Sweet!)
The other favorite memory was our last meal in Cusco. We went to this hip and happening restaurant so I ordered a Sangria (a homemade fruit wine). When I was about half way through, I got really sick and had to sit myself outside on the curb like a bum. This is not my fault, you know, I haven´t drank for about a year in the campo! Afterwards, I apologized like crazy but my dad and aunt both had to half carry me back to the hostel. :( x 2. I am now either a cheap drunk or a cheap date...or both. Later, when my dad and I visited a winery on another date, I tasted sips of wine, and my father thinking that he was really funny kept saying, ¨Don´t drink too much now or I´ll have to carry you again...Oh! That´s enough for you!¨ :( x 3.
Last embarrassing memory was visiting this awesome museum in Lima. Everything was going swimmingly. I was actually doing a really good job translating the tour guide´s words from English/Spanish to Chinese for my father...until we got to the erotic pottery section. Then the guide started talking about certain body parts and this and that and what they meant that it no longer became fun translating for my father. After a while of describing what the pottery meant when a man and woman ¨conduct business,¨ I just gave up all together.
Anyways, the journey continues on for Katie and father in Peru for another week. Time has gone by really fast and I have enjoyed visiting with my long lost family. Wish us luck! I hope you guys are doing well back in the states!