Such fun! I just got back from watching the parade in my town of Cajabamba. My camera broke, unfortunately, but there were some ridiculous photos of street dancing, drinking homemade chicha (a Peruvian alcohol), and pictures of me posing with the abominal snowman, Freddy Krueger, etc. The floats here are just ridiculous. I'll post some of those photos when my friend sends them to me.
The activities in my capital town of Cajamarca were fun, too. I posted some pics. I spent all this weekend there having an all out paint fight with the town on Saturday. Then for the next two days, we were dodging water balloons and water from squirt guns. When those lost its appeal, people started dumping water from buckets. Well, I hope it was water anyway. Right when I got back to the hostel yesterday--dry, miraculously--and literally three steps away from the door, someone dumped a whole bucket of something on me. Whatever it was, it reeked and made my hair crust up. It was like war all weekend long, dodging and weaving, and getting shot at every few minutes with water.
I think what I've noticed most here in Peru is that even though people are not as wealthy as in the states, they really seem to celebrate life. They constantly drink, dance, and are merry all the time. They don't look at life angry at what they do not have. Anyways, Carnaval ends this week and I look forward to finally having dry clothes again.
P.S. One final tidbit: I really had a super time at my parade in Cajabamba today. However, in the capital city of Cajamarca, everyone is fair game in the water throwing...including the elected queens. While they may look glamorous for the first five minutes, they are soaked for the remainder of the time on the floats.
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