Happy New Year, everyone! I am happy to report that I survived another Christmas in Peru! You all know that I love my Peru and I will always be the first to gush about it, but December is a hard month for me. It´s generally when I´m the most homesick and longing for peking duck, steamed dumplings, and Coldstone ice-cream. (We are Chinese, y´ know!) Anyways, homesickness is the thing that I still struggle with the most. On those dreaded days, everything just feels so heavy. I always try to get out of it as quickly as I can by going to the Peruvian market or reading up on celebrity gossip, but sometimes, it´s really hard.
Anyways, I´m happy to report that a rebound is coming on again! I´m not going to lie, I had help. There is this amazing bread here called Pannetone that Peruvians eat every Christmas. It´s huge, sweet, fluffy, and fruity. I imagine that it´s probably a lot like fruit cake in the states, but I wouldn´t know as I have never tried it. (Please see previous paragraph about being Chinese.) Anyways, it´s hard to feel sad when you have a fat piece of Pannetone in one hand and a glass of Peruvian champagne in the other. (Pannetone should be branded as the next Prozac…I was cured after Christmas night!) We also killed two turkeys to eat and I made a cucumber mango salad to share.
Anyways, I´ve attached some pics so that you could see Christmas in Peru, part deux.
PS If you think that the fruit trimming around the turkey looks weirdly inappropriate, it´s not just you. I think so, too! In my champagne daze, I might have mentioned it over dinner and everyone just looked at me funny.
The Peruian turkey look so long, not like the pump, round turkey we are used to in the U.S. I finally asked Josh to help me to post a comment, after reading your blog for two years. Hope you will get that Xmas package soon.