That loosely translates to writer´s block and I have it--horrible, HORRIBLE writer´s block. And it came at the worst time. You see, a little over a month ago, just for the fun of it, I decided to submit to a few literary agents a book idea. (Although that ¨fun¨ cost me a day´s worth of work.) Well, lo and behold, a few weeks later, a literary agent in NY actually contacted me for the the first chapter of my book. (Mind you, this is just for review, so don´t get too excited.)
But I was really flattered, because I heard somewhere that the chances of a literary agent even contacting you for a manuscript are, like, 2 out of 1000. So then, I began writing my first chapter to become the 1st class bestselling author that I always knew I was meant to be. But wouldn´t you know it that for the first time in my life, words escape me. I am choking! So far, my ¨chapter¨ consists of two pages and, trust me, it ain´t anything to write home about. So, thanks, stupid writer´s block for disallowing me to string even 2 good sentences together.
I´m all ears if anyone can provide me with any ideas/motivation. I choke under pressure! If we were in battle together (hypothetically, of course, because we would be screwed if the fate of our country depended on me), I would be the last person you would want to stand next to. Case in point, the other day, I was hiking with another volunteer when a dog started barking at us. Barking dogs freak me out. I´ve even stopped walking alone in the campo. (See all blog entries regarding idiotic accident April 2010.) Anyways, when the dog started coming toward us, teeth baring and all, I did the most natural thing without thinking—I pushed my friend towards the dog while I scurried away. Oops.
I mean, crap, even I´m ashamed of myself. I always thought I was a generous and good-hearted person who put other´s needs first. Nope, apparently not. In times of danger, it´s every woman for herself, darn it! Anyways, fortunately, we both made it out alive and bite-free. But, afterwards, came the most awkward apology (ie, awkward silence followed by, ¨Sorry, for pushing you towards the dog while I walked away. He he.¨). Well, my friend is a better person than me and said, ¨I understand.¨ If the book thing does pan out, he´s being written in as a superhero with a really cool hairdo.
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