All the ladies in my aerobics class have been making fun of me for wearing my rain boots. :( I got them for 15 soles (USD $5) last year, because we get crazy rain here during the rainy season. Yes, sadly, rainy season is upon Cajabamba again.
I´ve broken out the boots, because they keep my feet nice and toasted (to the point of grossly sweaty) and because the heavy rubber is enough to keep a monsoon at bay from my feet! However, they are not very stylish and the people here make fun of them, because usually only people from the campo wear them. Sad face x 5. (Even the Peruvians make fun of me for being campo!)
Anyways, I wore them today, only to find out that right before I arrived to class, a girl had slipped and fell while wearing her non-rain resistant shoes and another one broke her cell phone after it slipped out from her pocket and landed in the rain water. (Ok, the former may not have had anything to do with rainboots, but who knows, maybe if she did have my magic boots on, her cell phone wouldn´t have been so quick to abandon her!) So take that aerobic ladies who laughed at me...look who´s laughing now!! ;P
Um, anyways, I hope you all are doing well in the states.
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