Anyways, I think I finally have a story to top mine!! Yep, I do! The other day I was at a bullfight in one of the nearby town. One of the Matador was really young and he looked nervous, too. (Youth + nervousness = shit show…always.) Case in point, no sooner had the fight started did he trip over his red cloth and fell backwards. Oye. As if that wasn´t bad enough, within minutes later, he fell again, except this time he didn´t even have the cloth as an excuse--he just fell over his own feet.
And both times after he fell, the bull went after him. (I swear, the next time I fall, I am going to feel incredibly lucky that at least no big and angry bull is there to attack me.) As if that wasn´t bad enough, when he finally did get up to face the crowd, there was a big ol´ slit located…wait for it…strategically on his right butt cheek (darn frisky bull!). We saw everything!!! Every time he turned his back to one direction, that side of the crowd would laugh and when he turned another way, the other side of the crowd would laugh. (It´s like that dream you had as a kid where you were in front of a stage naked; except for this poor guy, it actually happened!) And, since he had to finish the fight, he wasn´t able to change (or hide); he just had to finish the fight…butt cheek and all. It was very hard to concentrate on the bull while all the cameras and body parts were flashing. (Did you notice the clever play-on words there? :) )
Besides that, the Peruvian fiestas ended well. I went to a lot of the other activities and took in a lot of the dances, fireworks, and singing. I know that you are going to think that this is very wrong of me, but I really enjoy watching bullfights. Yes, PETA, I know that I am a bad person for liking something that treats the poor animals with so much violence and cruelty, but I can´t help it. :) It keeps me on the edge of my seat and biting my knuckles. Besides which, this is my last fiesta in Peru. By this time next year, I will be back in the US. Sad face x 500. I spent a lot of the fiesta trying not to get weepy by thinking about it. Did I mention within the last five minutes that I am a little in love with this country right now?
PS The picture was taken after at another bullfight here in my town; we were able to buy the meat and had ourselves a nice little BBQ...Delicious!