My friend took these pictures from when we had Carnaval last month in February. I could not stop laughing...I had so much fun! We jumped into the parade and posed with every odd creature that we could find. Enjoy our Peruvian Carnaval...

The floats were amazing. I'm in awe at how much thought and work they put into them. But the Peruvians are really good with their crafts.

One big happy weird family!

Pooh was so happy that he didn't even mind when I tried to whack him with my umbrella!

There was a float made up entirely of a Freddy Krueger theme. It was brilliant. They got it exactly right!

Everything's going well with the abominal snowman...

...Until he started to get frisky and I had to fight him off...Seriously.

Doesn't this kid look like a younger Heath Ledger?!

...So there goes me posing with him!
P.S. Hmm...I'm beginning to see that I pose exactly the same in every photo..Side frame and smile. I swear I did not photo-shop myself into the pictures.