Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Estoy enferma... :(

Aw...I'm sick. I think I have a parasite in my tummy. (I say this because almost every volunteer has gotten sick with stomach problems and we've become pretty good at discussing our bodily functions and diagnosing it with the help of our Peace Corps physician.)

For the last day, I have not been able to keep anything down (I'll spare you the details, although we did have some pretty close calls running to the bathroom), ran a fever, got the chills, and haven't felt like eating. Being a Hui, this is rare for us. While other people "lose their appetite" from stress or whatever, I am quite the opposite and tend to eat more in times of stress, etc. As such, this is just a rare treat for me!

The funny thing is that Peruvians have heard about our cases of swine flu in the US. So whenever you show a cough or two, people tend to back away from you and then start lecturing you about "la gripe," ie, swine flu. When I told my host mom that I was going to miss dinner and go to bed last night, she asked me if I had "la gripe." To add insult to injury, since I haven't done laundy in a while, the bed bugs are back and I am once again covered in bites. :( This is definitely the part that I enjoy least as a volunteer in a developing country.

P.S. Sidenote: My host sister just brought back the game, Twister, from the city and asked if I wanted to play. Anyone else think that: Twister + deadly Peruvian stomach problems = BAD IDEA!!?

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! Sorry to hear you're under the weather. It must be all that cuy you done ate! Be sure to drink plenty of fluids. You just holler when you want me to send you some bed bug fighting chemicals! Hope you get well soon.

    We're taking your brother out for his birthday. It should be a nice time. He wants himself an your sister and I are contemplating. Looking ahead - what do you want for us to send you for Christmas / your birthday? Anything special? Do you have a freezer there? If we can somehow send you ingredients for ice cream, could you make it over there?

    How's your work going?

    Your sister
