In Peru, summer vacation begins in mid-December. So very soon, my classes will end. For one of my English classes, I had the kids dictate what they would like to do in their last two classes. One activity they chose was BINGO (easy enough), another they would like me to teach them a song or dance (Oh the horror! This was even after I explained to them that I have two left feet and can´t carry a tune to save my life.), and, for the last activity, they wanted to play the drinking game that I had taught them last year.
Um, let me explain so you know that I´m not getting a bunch of little kids drunk. I have realized that you can make an English lesson with just about any activity. You can even do that game where the kids form two lines and then they flip their cups over with one finger after they´ve finished chugging WATER. Yes, clean and drinkable water. For the kids who are watching in line, you can teach them useful English phrases like, ¨Hurry up!¨ ¨Good job!¨ or ¨Chug faster!¨ (Is the image going through your mind of little Peruvian children running around, yelling ¨Chug faster!¨?) But this is not the only lesson, you can also incorporate the importance of drinking clean water daily. Seriously, the other teachers thought it was the most brilliant activity ever… a win-win-win for all! Anyways, little did I know that the game was such a hit, that they still remember it after a year later. It´s times like this where I think I can stay in Cajabamba, Peru forever as its English teacher. :)
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