...So that I can keep in touch with all of you while I'm serving in Peru for the Peace Corps. I'll be back in August 2011. But, in the meantime, everything is very surreal and terrifying this week. Quite honestly, I can't believe all this is actually going to happen.
I started my Peace Corps journey as far back as high school when I saw a poster for it. (Remember: "Life is calling...How far will you go?") But it wasn't until after my graduation from CSU did I first apply and was accepted into the Peace Corps. I was originally scheduled to leave for my assignment to China in January 2003, but then, the timing just didn't feel right. So I stayed.
Fast forward to 2005 when I got the itch to go again. I applied and everything was going swimmingly until, WHAM, I got accepted into law school. (Sweet nibblets! I think we were all surprised when that acceptance letter came.) So I moseyed on up to Laramie, WY for the next three years.
Well...one windy Laramie afternoon, as I was pretending to work at the library front desk, my friend "Squirrel" and I had a little chat that made me think about joining the Peace Corps again. Since my first application, I had always been a little sad that I never went into the Peace Corps. While in law school, I simply thought my chance had passed and that my life would be on the "correct" path--i.e. Get law job --> get married --> poop out some young'ins --> retire at age 66. I never thought that I would have this opportunity again. I am so grateful that I've been so blessed in life to be able to do this.
Why the Peace Corps? Because after all these years, I still had the desire to go and I can't say that about many things in life. Ever had that experience where you wished you had done something, but came to regret it later because you never acted on it? This is like that. So, now, I'm trying to be brave (think: Bruce Lee) and do something that I've wanted to do for a long time. Ultimately, I believe that the Peace Corps will provide me with opportunities--the opportunity to see more, experience more, learn more...the opportunity to just be more.
I'll blog whenever I get the chance, but please know that depending on where I'm at, I might not have internet access and, if you send a message, be unable to get back to you for quite some time. That is not to say that you all shouldn't keep me posted! Please do! I will be really curious about the important things like...your lives...season 4 of "Heroes"...the new "Harry Potter" movie slated to come out July 15, 2009 to a theater near you...etc. So, please do keep in touch! You are all welcome to e-mail me as well: khui1234@hotmail.com.
In the meantime, I leave next Tuesday, June 2 to DC and then to Lima, Peru on June 5. I must start packing and continue my lessons in Espanol! Keep me posted!
Huggies to you all!